
Richard S. Tucker   


Dyonics has a strict policy for handling client information. The information you provide to Dyonics is confidential and protected to the fullest extent possible. Dyonics will not disclose or distribute client information to third parties without prior written consent by the client.

Nature of Professional Services

Dyonics provides professional expert  consulting services to clients under contract.  Such services do not  expressly include legal advice or opinions, engineering, design, medical opinions or any other services otherwise requiring licensing, registration or certification in any municipality, county, state,  country or other unit of authority.  If such services are required it is expressly the duty and responsibility of the client, at its own  expense, to provide such services in resolution of the project.

When services require the staff of Dyonics to obtain and maintain a particular level of Security Clearance, it is the responsibility of the client to inform Dyonics of such requirement and apply for such clearance at client’s sole expense.


When information, by nature of its content or classification is considered proprietary, Dyonics will participate in the execution of a Non-disclosure Agreement prior to execution of a Contract for Services.

It is our policy to respect the privacy of individuals who visit the Site or provide Comments to us.

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