Frequently Asked Questions
At Dyonics, we've done our best to create a Web site that anticipates and satisfies our customers' needs. With that goal in mind, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us at 888-807-0893 or
SERVICES How do I know that a consultant will be beneficial? Does the goal or solution to the problem require expertise not available within the organization? Has the process stalled due to internal conflict or indecision? Is time available to qualified staff for development of the solution?. Is a new or outside solution necessary?
How can I determine if the services of Dyonics will fit my needs? Call or email and describe the problem or goal that would benefit from expert assistance.
CONTRACTING Does Dyonics respond to Request for Proposals or Invitations to Bid? Dyonics reviews each competitive procurement on a case-by-case basis. Please email an electronic copy of the document to
SUPPORT Will Dyonics come to my organization and explain the nature and value of services available? Each request for information will be addressed in a suitable format. In certain cases, site presentations will be made to a group or governmental body. Please contact for a specific evaluation or proposal.
COST What is the consulting fee or rate? The cost for consulting services varies by the nature and location of the services rendered. Services may be provided on a Fixed Fee, Cost-Not-To-Exceed or Time and Expense basis depending on the nature of services rendered.